What are articles?
The indefinite article a/ an
The article “a” is placed before a word starting with a consonant sound (b, c, d, etc)
For example:
A story a book a man a boy a cat a doctor, etc.
Or a
vowel sounded like a consonant
For example:
A uniform a university
The indefinite article “an” is placed before a
word starting with a vowel sound ( a, e, i, o, u)
For example:
An apple an egg an artist an umbrella an hour an MP3 a player an idiot an exercise, etc.
Use of the indefinite article a/an
Use the indefinite article a/an:
- Before a singular countable noun
For example: a book / an actor
We can count “a book” and “an actor”.
So, we
can say: one book, tow books, three books, etc and one actor, tow actors, three
actors, etc.
For example:
I bought three new books.
There were only five actors in that film.
Normally, we don’t say: an advice, an
information, a news, etc.
Instead, we say: a piece of advice, some information/ news, etc.
- Before people’s jobs
For example:
John is a pilot.
Jamila is an English teacher.
My friends, Ali and David, are engineers.
- In exclamation before singular countable nouns
For example:
What a stunning flower!
What a beautiful garden!
What an awful job!
What an amazing story!
- For emphasizing the degree of something
For example:
Ahmed is such a friendly boy.
This is such an expensive car!
- For talking about certain numericals
A hundred (100)/ thousand (1000)/ million,
½ a
1/3 a/ one third
¼ a quarter
☝ Don’t use the indefinite article a/an neither before plural nouns, nor before singular uncountable nouns
Thus, we can say:
He is a student (=singular countable noun)
They are students (not a students)
He has some information (not an information)
- Other uses
For example:
A liter of water Once a month/ week/ year,etc.
The definite article “The”
Use of the definite article “the”
We use the definite article “the”:
- When there is only one particular thing
For example:
Tom bought a book. (unspecific book)
Tom bought the book which I recommended to him. ( a specific book)
There is a cat miaowing outside. (unspecific cat)
I have fed the cat (my cat)
The cat is miaowing. (my cat)
- When there is a clear context (classroom/ room/ city, etc.)
For example:
Can you open the window, please? (the window of this room)
Is that the CEO? (of this online shop)
I’ve got a headache. I’ll call the doctor ( my usual doctor)
Where is the teacher? ( the teacher of this class)
I must visit the city center. (of this city)
- With universal known things
The sky looks clear!
The earth moves around the sun
For example:
The sun the planet the moon the stars the environment the earth the sea the ground, etc.
- With day-to-day activities
The cinema the news the radio the Internet the train the bank, etc.
- With places
Rivers: The Nile, The Thames, The Rine, The Amazon,etc.
Oceans: The Indian Ocean, The Atlantic (Ocean),etc.
Seas: The Red Sea, The Mediterranean (sea)
Canals: The Suez Canal, The Panama Canal, etc.
Mountains: The Himalayas, The Rokies, The Atlas, The Andes, The Alps, etc.
- With Newspapers: The Independent, The Guardian, The Times,
The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.
- With a class of people: The rich, the poor, the young, the old,
- Unions : The African Union, The European Union, The
United Kingdom, etc.
Names of meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Continent: Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, America.
Cities: Cairo, Fes, London,etc.
Countries: Turkey, Japan, Canada, etc.
Names of companies: Honda, Ford, McDonald’s, etc.
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